I wrote over the summer about how I'd purged a bunch of books that I'd bought but never read.
So, I've been fairly restrained since the summer, but I
figured I would dissect the books I've bought since then, and what my
attitude was at time-of-purchase.
Books are my "Gazingus Pin", as Nicole and Maggie put it the other day: "A gazingus pin is something that you just buy. You may not have it in
that color. You may not have quite that flavor. You tend to have a lot
of them, far more than you really need, and sometimes you may even have
more than you can use...They’re tiny pleasures, but if
overdone, the pleasure can be diluted because it has become a habit more
than a treat."
I've tried to become more selective about
shopping for and buying books, but my book purchases haven't (and pretty
assuredly won't) stopped completely. So here are the books I've bought
since the summer.
Baba Yaga's Daughter and Other Tales of the Old Races,
by C.E. Murphy. I dearly adore Catie's two big series: the Old Races
and the Walker Papers. A trilogy forms the main part of the Old Races
series, but she's since written a bunch of short stories taking place in
the same universe, usually related to secondary characters. My
favorite dragon and vampire feature heavily in these stories,
particularly in the ones in this book. I knew I was going to purchase
this at least six months before I ordered it (in July), and a year
before I received and read it (in November). That didn't make
Subterranean Press's price much easier to swallow, but since I planned
for it, this was my singular book purchase for the summer.
The Avengers: Fury's Big Week. Two words: impulse. buy.
I bought this the first week I was in NYC, I think. Maybe the second.
It's the only book in that picture that I bought from Barnes &
Noble. It was enjoyable and fun to read. But I totally could have
gotten it from the library.
Walking the Hudson From the Battery to Bear Mountain,
by Cy A. Adler. I will admit that I haven't read it cover-to-cover,
but that's because it's kind of a guide-book for this trail that runs 56
miles starting from Battery Park at the southern end of Manhattan. His
outlook on cars and city living is...interesting. He definitely writes
with passion. This was an impulse buy, though - purchased when I was
Christmas shopping at the indie bookstore near me. I had a stack full
of books I was going to give away, and I decided I needed one for me. I
like having it. I'm not convinced I needed it yet, but I like it a
Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat, by
Naomi Moriyama and William Doyle. I read my library's copy between 12th
grade and freshman year of college. Moriyama's description of Japanese
people's passion for freshness and movement stuck with me since that
time, especially as I've been discovering those passions in my own
life. I stared at and debated buying this book the last 3 times I went
to Kinokuniya in Union Square, and the first week in January I finally
caved. So...kind of planned. Also kind of regretted; I didn't remember
how flowery and nostalgic her writing style is. Part of me wishes I had
checked it out from the library first.
The Fire of the Word: Meeting God on Holy Ground,
by Chris Webb. My church is reading this book for Lent. This purchase
wasn't planned, but wasn't really an impulse buy either. We got a
half-price deal though. And it's a very good book. A little
touchy-feely for me, but it's meaning a lot.
one book not pictured because I don't have it yet, but it's on order at
my local indie bookstore so I'll get it when it's released in a month: Mountain Echoes
by C.E. Murphy. It's the 8th book in Catie's Walker Paper series. The
Walker Papers are my favorite of her books, and I eagerly await each
and every one as it comes out. Books 1-7 are sitting happily on my
shelf. They aren't incredibly popular, so they aren't at the library,
but I would want to own these anyway.
So that's 5 (6)
books. I am completely happy with 2 (3) of those purchases, one is a
happy impulse buy and 2 are iffy. Thankfully (I guess?) the expensive
books aren't the ones I'm iffy on.
Also, these are
all new books. For some, like Baba Yaga's Daughter and Mountain Echoes,
used isn't really an option because they're from a limited-edition
company or they're new. But I've mostly stopped shopping at used
bookstores because my impulse to buy is too strong there, and I wind up
with more books than I have time to read. So volume-wise, my purchasing
has gone down. Cost-wise, however...that's a different story.
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